Medical Cardiologist in Edmonton in 2022 | Cardiologists in Edmonton Alberta


Cardio  disease is one of the leading causes of death in the world. Training for various types of  disease is important to raise awareness. Knowledge will help you prevent the disease or take better care of yourself if you already have it, says leading medical advisor in Edmonton Alberta.

For this reason, in this article, Alberta Cardiology lists the four main types of cardiovascular disease that affect people worldwide:

1. Arrhythmias Millions of people worldwide suffer from arrhythmias, a condition that makes your heart beat unevenly, too fast, or too slowly, according to a leading cardiologist in Edmonton, Alberta. As a result, the heart cannot pump blood as efficiently as it should.

2. Cardiomyopathy

According to Alberta's top cardiologist, this progressive heart disease causes the heart to harden or thicken. This often leads to pooling of blood in the lungs or heart failure. In layman's terms, cardiomyopathy is also known as an enlarged heart.

Without timely intervention, cardiomyopathy can lead to arrhythmias. It's usually caused by infection, high blood pressure, metabolic disease, obesity and diabetes, according to Canada's leading interventional cardiologist. In other cases, 

3. Heart valve complications:

Heart valve complications is an umbrella term for various complications related to heart valves (stenosis), advise the best cardiologists in Delhi. In most of these stenotic disorders, the valves don't open or close properly to allow blood to circulate properly.

For example, in aortic regurgitation, the aortic valve may not close properly during circulation, resulting in backflow of blood through the valve. In addition to genetics, there are other possible causes of heart valve complications, including coronary artery disease (below), high blood pressure, rheumatic fever, and calcium buildup.

4. Coronary Artery Disease:

To understand this cardiovascular disease, it is important to first understand what coronary arteries are, advises Alberta leading interventional cardiologist. The coronary arteries are responsible for carrying oxygen-rich blood to the heart muscle. Like every other organ in your body, the heart needs oxygen-rich blood to function effectively.

In coronary artery disease, plaque buildup disrupts this blood supply. Due to blockage or narrowing of the coronary arteries, this condition can lead to a heart attack, explains a leading cardiologist in Alberta.

Plaque is a cholesterol-containing deposit that builds up in the arteries. Therefore, by choosing a healthy diet and active lifestyle, you can prevent coronary heart disease, which is recommended

Getting an Accurate Diagnosis Alberta's best interventional cardiologist, Dr. Sunrinder Khinda, has over 28 years of experience caring for people with cardiovascular disease. He has several specialties including HIS packet speed, sudden cardiac arrest, arrhythmias, atrial fibrillation treatment, radiofrequency ablation and more.


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