What Pulmonary Function Tests (PFTs) Tell Your Doctor About Your Lung Health | Dr. Sunrinder Khinda


If your doctor has ordered a pulmonary function test, you may have many questions. You may be wondering what PFT size is and how it works. Most importantly, you want to know what your doctor's PFT results say about your lung health. Dr. Sunrinder Khinda operates PFTs at our Edmonton South Medical Facilities, Alberta and Camrose locations. Read on to learn more about PFT. What is a pulmonary function test? Pulmonary function tests (PFT) are a group of tests that measure how much air moves through your lungs when you breathe in and out. This test is non-invasive. All you have to do is wear a mouthpiece connected to a device called a spirometer, a special device that records your breathing. This test is mostly done with a transparent closed box. As you breathe in and out, the air pressure inside the box changes, allowing your doctor to measure your results.

What does your doctor say about lung function tests? The purpose of a pulmonary function test is to measure how well your lungs are working and moving air to diagnose possible breathing problems. Depending on the results of your PFT, your doctor may diagnose you with a respiratory condition such as ECG Testing in Edmonton for your tests include: tidal volume Volume of air displaced per minute residual volume Total Lung Capacity peak current

Who needs lung function tests? There are a number of reasons why your doctor might prescribe a lung function test. However, the following groups are more likely to need testing: Patients over 40 years old Current or former smoker Patients with frequent persistent colds Patients who experience shortness of breath during daily activities


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