Do You Need Supplements? Things To Consider

 Do you need to take supplements? The answer is not always clear. In a perfect world, all the nutrients we need could be easily accessed through a balanced diet. Medical Cardiologist in Edmonton come into play. Simply put, today's world is not always conducive to a diet that meets all your needs.

Here are some questions to ask to determine if a Medical Consultants in Edmonton Alberta is the right choice for you.

where do you get your food from? Conventional farming methods have resulted in nutrient depletion in many foods. Over-farming often reduces soil nutrients, which in turn lowers the nutritional value of products in vital areas such as vitamins A and C. Likewise, livestock skip a variety of diets that are beneficial to animals grazing outdoors. For example, one study found that grass-fed beef contains more vitamins A and E and antioxidants than forage-fed beef. This trend means consumers need to consider where their food comes from in order to get maximum nutritional value. However, because it's not always possible - or affordable - to buy directly from the farm, extras may be needed.

Where do you live? In much of North America, we don't get enough sunlight to make enough vitamin D. As a result, more than 40% of people in the United States are deficient in this essential nutrient, and the elderly are particularly at risk. It can be difficult to get enough vitamin D from food alone, so supplements are often needed.

Do you eat a balanced diet? Some diets or dietary restrictions can lead to nutritional deficiencies. Vegans and vegetarians who don't eat a lot of eggs or dairy often need vitamin B12 supplements because it's only available from animal sources and fortified grains. The effects of a B12 deficiency can be severe, including fatigue and depression, so maintaining good health is important.

Likewise, people who can't eat dairy products may not get enough calcium or vitamin D, which are needed for healthy bones, teeth, and immune function. A gluten-free diet can also increase the risk of nutritional deficiencies such as folic acid, zinc, and magnesium.

Cardio test in Edmonton If you're not eating enough fruits and vegetables, you need to make sure you're getting enough vitamin C. Studies show that vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant, can help maintain a healthy heart and reduce the risk of heart disease and gout while increasing iron absorption.


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