Echo cardiogram in Edmonton Alberta | Alberta Cardiology

Medical Cardiologist in Edmonton to call a plumber because the pipe in the kitchen sink was abnormal. The plumber came and fixed the problem. He took out the gutter and cleaned the stopper. Although the image of the heart arteries as a kitchen pipe clogged with grease and fat is simple—and familiar—it's also FALSE! How to change this thinking, Cardiologists in edmonton Alberta are considered plumbers themselves?

A patient came to see me recently. There was no heart attack, just a routine checkup and the cardiologist found a blockage. The cardiologist explains the problem to the patient. "Looks like we've hit a snag…I'll open this tube and you'll feel better, please sign here." After the cardiologist finished his work, the next thing he saw was his patient. "I cleared the blockage, put a snake in your artery and it's clear... done."

Medical Consultants in Edmonton Alberta are not plumbers. They are doctors who go to school to learn about the anatomy of a very important muscle, the heart. Yet misconceptions about them as medical plumbers are passed from one cardiologist to another, influencing their practice and what they tell patients.

No disrespect to plumbers; This is a very important job. But for cardiologists who feel like plumbers, you're not. I'm sure many cardiologists don't even know how to use a plunger... I know I don't. An internship as a plumber lasts several years, followed by an internship of 2 years or more. A cardiologist must have a bachelor's degree (4 years), then medical school (4 years), internal medicine resident (3 years), then a cardiology fellowship (3 years), and specialized training.

When a cardiologist comes to you and says, "Your artery is blocked. Do you want me to open it?" It's easy to tell a non-medical patient that they have a blockage, “let me open it.” Even if you put it that way, who would say no. Blood Pressure Monitoring in Edmonton when cardiologists should open blockages There is a time and place for cardiologists to act like a plumber.


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