What’s the Future of Blood Pressure Monitoring

 This is a regular part of most doctor visits: the doctor places the cuff on your upper arm and then expands it so that it squeezes your arm. Within seconds, the cuff begins to deflate and a number is registered on the device's pressure gauge - the top number measures the pressure in your arteries when your heart beats (systolic pressure) and the lower number measures the pressure in your arteries between beats (diastolic pressure). Print).

But what if you could measure your blood pressure at home without cuffs — just by wearing a custom-made pair of “smart” sneakers or taking a two-minute selfie video?

Although nearly half of Blood Pressure Monitoring in Edmonton have high blood pressure, millions of Americans with the condition do not know they have it, in part because most people have no signs or symptoms. Some people experience "masked" high blood pressure: blood pressure is normal at the doctor's office but elevated at home. One in five adults suffers from the opposite phenomenon, called "white coat hypertension," in which blood pressure readings measured in a doctor's office are higher than those associated with other conditions. High blood pressure, if left untreated, can increase the risk of serious complications, including heart attack and stroke. Patients with untreated white coat hypertension are twice as likely to die of heart disease as people with normal blood pressure

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Dr. Sunrinder Khinda


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