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What we eat and when we eat determines a large part of our health. Food really is medicine.

What to Eat: Authentic whole foods with no ingredient list. Prioritize protein, healthy real fats, and low-carb vegetables and fruits. Avoiding processed foods is key.

When to eat: When we are hungry. If you're not hungry, don't eat. Our bodies and metabolism are not designed to process energy throughout the day. When we frequently waste food or drink that is not water, our bodies have to do something with that energy and our food-related hormones become regulated. There are many different ways to eat and fast, but even starting with a 12 hour "eating" window and a 12 hour "fasting" window are good places to start.

2. Sleep:

Adequate, quality sleep is essential for regulating our hormones, but it also helps us have the energy and willpower to make good food choices. Sleep should be a routine and a priority. If you have trouble sleeping or are tired, improving the quality of your diet will likely help. If you're still having trouble sleeping, contact your provider for recommendations on how to fix it.

3. Stress:

It goes without saying that stress can have a negative impact on our health. When we are stressed about work, family, or finances, we experience increased levels of stress hormones. This can make weight loss difficult, lead to higher blood sugar levels, and contribute to eating stress. Work on managing your stress and letting go of things that aren't absolutely necessary. ask for help if you need it. Also, recognize when you are stressed and try to calm those emotions without eating.

4. Movement/Exercise:

We all know exercise is good for us, but sometimes we're not sure where to start. Work on incorporating more exercise into your day. Get up every hour and walk for five minutes - start anywhere. As you feel better, the movement will become easier. Muscle is important for health, quality of life and longevity. Walking, lifting heavy objects—including your own body weight—exercise, and many other activities that are good for muscle maintenance, which become more challenging with age.

5. Sunshine:

The sun is actually good for us in many ways. This helps our brain know when it is daytime and can then help improve the quality of our sleep. Sunlight improves our mood. It's also a great way to get vitamin D. Try to take 15 minutes each day, even through a window, while you're at lunch.

6. Social relations

Humans are social creatures, we benefit from community and meaning. Spend time with your loved ones who make you laugh and make you feel good. Pray, meditate, connect to a higher purpose.


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