Heart stress test results | Alberta Cardiology

 Why is this test done?

To determine possible causes of heart symptoms such as chest pain or shortness of breath

To assess the response of heart rate and blood pressure to exercise

To assess the risk of coronary artery disease

Assess the effectiveness of cardiac procedures or medications

To determine a safe level of exercise

How to prepare for this exam?

Wear loose and comfortable clothes

Avoid smoking and eating for 4 hours before the test

Do not use lotions, oils or fragrance products before the test

Take medication as usual unless your doctor tells you otherwise

You may be asked to sign a consent form for the test.

Before test:

Your breasts can be shaved, cleaned and prepared for exams

During the exam:

Your heart rate, rhythm and blood pressure will be monitored during the test

You start by walking slowly on the treadmill

The treadmill can be set to different speeds and incline

You will be asked regularly how you feel during the stress test

The stress test can be stopped at any time if you feel unwell or are worried

Immediately after the test:

The staff will help you sit or lie down to rest

Your pulse, rhythm and blood pressure will be monitored

The entire test can take up to 60 minutes; This includes pre-test time, running time, recovery time and medical record documentation.

After test:

A doctor reviews the stress test results and sends them to the GP who ordered the test.


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