
Showing posts from June, 2022

Tips for Traveling with Home Oxygen in the Summer

 Traveling with an oxygen concentrator in summer can be difficult due to the effects of heat and humidity on oxygen equipment. To reduce the stress caused by traveling with your home oxygenated, we have a few tips that will make using your home oxygen easier, safer and more comfortable this summer! 1. Make a plan Planning is helpful when traveling with portable oxygen. Knowing exactly where and when you will be there allows you to know in advance whether it is a safe place for you and your portable oxygen. It also gives you time to arrange accommodation or move if necessary, so you don't have any problems during your trip. 2. Travel policy research Doing research beforehand can help you learn more about guidelines and what to do with your oxygen equipment while traveling. If you are traveling by plane, it is important to discuss this with your airline and see what policies and rules apply. You can find examples of airline policies you may encounter here. If you are driving, you can

Here Are 5 Things To Prevent Coronary Infections And Coronary Artery Diseases!

 It is very important to take proper hygiene measures, such as: B. Washing hands, keeping distance and keeping hands away from face. Most people who catch the virus recover. Heart disease is a disease that is prone to progression and, more importantly, is a preventable disease. The most important thing to understand is that arteries are muscles, not tubes. Most people who have had a heart attack have normal cholesterol. The majority of heart attacks occur with less than 50% blockage. Just like a pimple on your face. If the pimple appears in the arteries, it is a heart attack. Here Are 5 Things To Prevent Coronary Infections And Coronary Artery Diseases! #1 Increase your intake of vegetables and fruits. We all know this is very important. In this regard, it is said to enhance immune function and improve arterial function. Arteries are muscles, not tubes. You can consider a smoothie or soup to increase your vegetable intake. This is where dietary supplements can be important for producin

How Functional Lab Testing Can Get To The Root Cause | Alberta Cardiology 2022

 Every successful journey requires a good map, so your journey to good health requires data to ensure you reach your destination. echo cardiogram in Edmonton Alberta know the source of the problem, you don't know the best place to start and the best route. A thorough assessment of your overall health is essential to charting your path to success. Conventional medicine usually focuses on only one aspect of this journey. The scope of the test is narrow and focuses on specific symptoms, so any treatment plan does not have the full data needed for a holistic treatment approach. In contrast, functional laboratory tests have the ability to examine the entire body. Because our health is not a collection of isolated processes, but a complex network. Examining your overall health allows your healthcare provider – and you – to step back and see the bigger picture. Therefore, a treatment plan is comprehensive rather than just focusing on relieving a single symptom.   What is a functional lab

How to calculate heart rate from ECG | Alberta Cardiology

 While you can easily measure your heart rate by monitoring your heart rate with Medical Cardiologist in Edmonton (ECG) can be used to reveal many insights about your basic heart health. What is an ECG? How to determine heart rate from ECG Why is heart rate important? What is a heart attack? Can an EKG also tell you are having a heart attack? What is an ECG test? The ECG test is one of the easiest and fastest ways to evaluate the heart. Electrodes (small plastic patches attached to the skin) are placed on certain parts of your chest, arms and legs to record the electrical signals produced when your heart beats. These electrical signals are represented on the Stress test in Edmonton representing different parts of the heart. With these electrical signals, medical professionals can determine your heart rate, the presence of arrhythmias, and signs that suggest a previous heart attack and even suggest an enlarged heart chamber.

Blood Pressure Monitoring in Edmonton | medical heart in Alberta cardiology

  What is an outpatient blood pressure measurement? Medical Consultants in Edmonton Alberta is a procedure in which you are provided with a blood pressure cuff and a portable blood pressure monitor for 24 hours. This is how you benefit from an outpatient blood pressure measurement Cardiologists in edmonton Alberta allows you to measure your blood pressure over a 24-hour period while you perform daily activities, such as work, exercise, eat, and sleep. This gives your healthcare provider the clearest and most detailed picture of your blood pressure. Blood pressure also helps prevent something called "white coat syndrome" -- readings that some people increase when their blood pressure is recorded in their doctor's office. How to use this service? Get a referral from a doctor. To use heart stress test results , you must first receive a referral from your doctor. Find your location. Outpatient blood pressure monitoring is only available at select drug sites in Medical Cardi

Exercise Stress Test Q&A: What It Is & What It Shows | Alberta Cardiology

 If your cardiologist wants to know more about how your heart works, he or she may recommend a stress test -- also called a stress test or cardiac stress test. “The stress test is one of several cardiovascular tests that can be used to evaluate certain types of heart disease. This is a non-invasive test to assess a person's risk of developing heart disease, to help determine if additional tests are needed and to guide treatment," explains Dr. Sunrinder Khinda , a cardiologist who specializes in preventive cardiology at the Houston Methodist. Why do a stress test? "A stress test shows how well your heart is beating because it's beating harder and pumping faster than normal. This information can help determine if there's a problem with your heart rhythm or how blood is flowing through your heart," says Patel. There are several reasons why your doctor may recommend a stress test, including to help: Rate symptoms as unexplained fatigue, shortness of breath, and c

How a Cholesterol Test Can Save Your Life | Alberta Cardiology

  Cardiologists in Edmonton Alberta is a fatty substance in your blood. Doctors divide cholesterol into "good" and "bad" types. When people say they have high cholesterol, what they usually mean is that they have excessive levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL-cholesterol) in their blood. This is the "evil" look. Watch this video by Dr. Sunrinder Khinda . Stress test in Edmonton, who discusses the causes, risk factors, and more information about high cholesterol. Unfortunately, high cholesterol has no symptoms until it causes a heart attack, stroke, or other cardiovascular event. Therefore, having a cholesterol test is very important for your health. If you are at low risk for Specialist in whitemud Area , it is recommended that you have a blood test every four to six years. People with cardiovascular disease or high risk factors may need to be screened annually or more frequently.

Do You Need Supplements? Things To Consider

  Do you need to take supplements? The answer is not always clear. In a perfect world, all the nutrients we need could be easily accessed through a balanced diet. Medical Cardiologist in Edmonton come into play. Simply put, today's world is not always conducive to a diet that meets all your needs. Here are some questions to ask to determine if a Medical Consultants in Edmonton Alberta is the right choice for you. where do you get your food from? Conventional farming methods have resulted in nutrient depletion in many foods. Over-farming often reduces soil nutrients, which in turn lowers the nutritional value of products in vital areas such as vitamins A and C. Likewise, livestock skip a variety of diets that are beneficial to animals grazing outdoors. For example, one study found that grass-fed beef contains more vitamins A and E and antioxidants than forage-fed beef. This trend means consumers need to consider where their food comes from in order to get maximum nutritional valu

WHAT IS A CARDIOLOGIST? Alberta Cardiology

  Alberta Cardiology for this extraordinary system is the job of a cardiologist. But what is a cardiologist? A cardiologist is a doctor who specializes in evaluating, diagnosing, and treating heart and blood vessel problems. Cardiology is a high-risk specialty. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. What do cardiologists do? The short answer is: cardiologists are saviors. Blood Pressure Monitoring in Edmonton are on the front lines of the fight against heart disease, making important decisions and actually saving lives. CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM When someone asks you, "What is a cardiologist?" Your first answer may be a cardiologist. In fact, medical tests for heart Alberta cardiology comes from the Greek word for heart. However, cardiologists also treat disorders of the arteries, veins, and capillaries that carry blood to and from the body's tissues. Together, the heart and blood vess

Medical Consultants in Edmonton Alberta | Dr. Surinder Khinda 2022

  If your doctor tells you your blood pressure values, e.g. For example, "120 over 80," both numbers represent your systolic and diastolic blood pressure, which basically tells you the pressure in your veins when your heart beats (systolic) and at rest (diastolic). Medical Consultants in Edmonton Alberta show how hard your heart is working to pump blood through blood vessels called arteries; Pumping blood is key to delivering oxygen and nutrients to your cells, and therefore the effectiveness of your heart pumping blood has a direct impact on the health of your entire body. The medical heart in Alberta cardiology defines high blood pressure, or hypertension, as high blood pressure in the arteries, causing your heart to work harder to pump blood through your veins. Written as the ratio of systolic and diastolic blood pressure, blood pressure is measured in  Cardio test in Edmonton medical heart in Alberta cardiology . The highest number in the ratio (120 in the example above)

Medical Cardiologist in Edmonton | Dr. Sunrinder Khinda 2022

 A stress test, also called an exercise test, collects information about how your heart works during physical activity. Because exercise makes your heart pump harder and faster than normal, a stress test can reveal problems in your heart that may not have gone unnoticed. Medical Cardiologist in Edmonton usually involves walking on a treadmill or riding a stationary bicycle while monitoring your heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing. Your doctor may recommend a stress test if he or she suspects you have coronary artery disease or an irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia). This test can also be used to guide your treatment if you have been diagnosed with heart disease. During stress test while exercising Small pads (electrodes) are placed on your body to monitor your heart rate. How to use a treadmill. You have to practice as long as possible. This exercise is very easy at first, but gradually becomes more difficult. Your heart rate and blood pressure will be monitored during and after th

Top Ways to Reduce Stress (and Save Your Heart)

 Stress test in Edmonton . We all experience it and everyone can benefit from reducing it. Stress can affect your health — including your heart health. And reducing stress can help prevent and even reverse conditions that can lead to heart disease. So what can you do to reduce stress and save your heart? Here are some stress reduction tips that may have the added benefit of improving your heart health. AN EXERCISE Regular exercise and increasing your activity level throughout the day can reduce stress. Exercise reduces the body's production of the stress hormone cortisol. It also releases endorphins, which are known to be good mood chemicals. But they not only make you feel good, they also help fight stress. The key to incorporating regular exercise into your life is finding activities you enjoy. If your workout is boring and just something you have to do, the stress relief benefits may not be that great. But if you enjoy these activities, you will feel double benefits. Before star