
Showing posts from July, 2022

6 ways of lowering blood pressure with lifestyle adjustments

 Symptoms of high blood Monitor blood pressure in Edmonton because most people with hypertension have no symptoms*, says the American Heart Association. However, some people with high blood pressure may experience symptoms such as dizziness, headache, blurred vision or shortness of breath*, according to the Canadian government. HSF recommends having your blood pressure checked once a year, or more often if you have high blood pressure* because this condition is inactive. We at Alberta Cardiology and Medical Consultants are committed to enhancing the quality of life of those we serve through comprehensive patient care and testing. We feel that this approach leads to improved compliance which results in better patient outcomes. With us, people in need of timely consultations, diagnostic testing and specialist consultation(s) can be seen and served in an opportune manner while reducing the burden on today’s healthcare system. People have trusted us with their hearts! Medical Cardiologist

Medical Consultants in Edmonton Alberta | Alberta Cardiology 2022

 Several heart-healthy diets have been developed over the years to help prevent heart disease. The two classic heart-healthy diets are the Mediterranean diet and the Medical Consultants but there are other alternatives, including the latest by Dr. Sunrinder Khinda as . While all of these diets are slightly different, they all recommend heart-healthy foods that are similar and effective in preventing heart disease. Most of these cardiac diets, including the Blood Pressure Monitoring in Edmonton are supported by good clinical evidence. Besides that, Medical Cardiologist in Edmonton about the clinical benefits of his diet. For those looking to prevent heart disease, here are some tips on how to eat healthy and find the best healthy diet for your needs. 1. Limit portion sizes. Today we have an obesity epidemic, mostly because people overeat. Even when you go to a restaurant, the portions are huge, and overeating is common in fast food restaurants. All of this can lead to unnecessary excess

What’s the Future of Blood Pressure Monitoring

 This is a regular part of most doctor visits: the doctor places the cuff on your upper arm and then expands it so that it squeezes your arm. Within seconds, the cuff begins to deflate and a number is registered on the device's pressure gauge - the top number measures the pressure in your arteries when your heart beats (systolic pressure) and the lower number measures the pressure in your arteries between beats (diastolic pressure). Print). But what if you could measure your blood pressure at home without cuffs — just by wearing a custom-made pair of “smart” sneakers or taking a two-minute selfie video? Although nearly half of Blood Pressure Monitoring in Edmonton have high blood pressure, millions of Americans with the condition do not know they have it, in part because most people have no signs or symptoms. Some people experience "masked" high blood pressure: blood pressure is normal at the doctor's office but elevated at home. One in five adults suffers from the op

Cardio test in Edmonton | Cardiologists in Edmonton Alberta 2022

Cardiologists in edmonton Alberta who realize they want to develop long-term relationships with their future patients may consider a career in internal medicine. Those interested in careers requiring fellowship training should also learn more about this specialization, as completing an internal medicine degree is an important step towards fulfilling roles in cardiology, infectious disease, and other fields. While many students are familiar with primary care, they may not know much about this particular role. You can explore this important specialization by reading the information below. Where do internists work? "Typical medical practice today means working for a large medical group or hospital system, and most often involves visiting patients in a practice setting," says Dr. Sunrinder Khinda . Internists are increasingly becoming hospitalists. These doctors focus on hospitalized patients and coordinate all treatments. However, some internists practice either as individuals

Blood Pressure Monitoring in Edmonton | Alberta Cardiology 2022

 Whether for general health or for daily monitoring, a blood pressure monitor is essential for all of these reasons. It can generate reports on your daily health and check if you are dealing with any irregular health conditions. In addition, it can monitor your blood pressure and provide you with timely information when it is under control. Blood Pressure Monitoring in Edmonton for everyone, people who are dealing with blood pressure disorders should purchase this device for continuous monitoring. By recording the measured values, the patient is immediately informed of fluctuations in blood pressure and can take the medication prescribed by the doctor to prevent health problems. In addition, the right treatment at the right time can prevent many diseases, so this device can timely notify the patient of fluctuations in his pressure. In this way, they can protect themselves from serious illnesses such as cardiac arrhythmia, angina pectoris, heart failure, stroke, heart attack and even d

How do I lower my blood pressure? | Alberta Cardiology

 How does blood pressure affect my health? Even if you're just in your 20s or 30s, long-term research shows that high blood pressure significantly increases your risk of developing serious health problems later in life Specialist in whitemud Area. "Uncontrolled Blood Pressure Monitoring in Edmonton is a major risk factor for heart disease in middle age, which is the leading cause of death in the United States," said Dr. Sunrinder Khinda "It is also a risk factor for stroke, kidney disease and some eye diseases." Also, high blood pressure doesn't just affect your health; there are also financial implications. A person with hypertension spends nearly $2,000 a year on related medication and health care costs. These costs skyrocket when high blood pressure is left uncontrolled and serious conditions such as heart disease develop. How can I lower my blood pressure? Taking steps to lower your blood pressure isn't as painful as you might think. If you smoke,

Timely Tips for Doctors: Starting a Medical Marketing Blog

 It seems like a lot of health marketing to doctors is digital. It is common practice for providers, medical groups, and hospitals to have websites. Okay, check. And creating a Facebook Page is an easy task. Okay, check again. Then there's Twitter. It's only 140 characters long; so it's pretty easy. Someone in the office can do this. So tick "Social Media". Ready? To the right. Doctors and surgeons who are among the most well-known physician bloggers will tell you that they thoroughly enjoy mental discipline, intellectual practice, and audience-patient interaction. They also demonstrate the benefits of education for doctors and patients/readers. For some quick examples - clinical and more -  Dr. Sunrinder Khinda The main reasons to start a sports blog are: These are the fundamental building blocks for our online presence (think Google search results and SEO for medical offices); Blogs communicate authority, demonstrate expertise, and maintain reputation; About 70


 Why are vegetables important? Medical Cardiologist in Edmonton keep saying that your arteries are muscles, not tubes. We can't go into our arteries and clean them like pipes. Like every muscle in your body, you have to get stronger. The problem is that you can't see the healing process or the disease that leads to a heart attack or stroke. One of the best things about keeping your arteries healthy is giving them the right environment to do so. Stress test in Edmonton all know the difference between a good thing and a bad thing. Well, if something bad happens to your arteries, vegetables should be the focus of your diet. Trust me, it doesn't taste bad, and more importantly, you feel better when you eat better. Vegetables and fruits provide essential vitamins, minerals, nutrients and antioxidants to prevent and reverse heart disease and, more importantly, smoothen your arteries to reverse the disease process. It really works so enjoy the rest of the post to find out how ma

Why is fiber good for my heart and overall health?

 Fiber really feels like a new buzzword. From the F-factor diet to the microbiome to irritable bowel syndrome, everyone seems to be talking about a high-fiber diet (for better or for worse!). But what exactly is fiber? Did you know that there are two different types? Read on for everything you've always wanted to know about fiber, including how much you should consume and my favorite tips and tricks for getting there. What is fiber? Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that our body cannot digest or break down. And guess what? It is only found in plant foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains! Importantly, there are two types of fiber - soluble and insoluble. Most plant foods contain a combination of soluble and insoluble fiber, although in varying proportions. Both are good for us, but in slightly different ways Soluble fiber - think of it as heart healthy. It dissolves in water to form a gel. This slows down the time it takes food to travel from the stomach to the intestines.

5 Health and wellness blogs worth checking out | Alberta Cardiology

 Health and fitness has become a hot topic in recent years. From modern yoga classes to trending new diets, everyone seems to be looking for the next big thing. But you don't need a fancy gym membership or a personal chef to stay healthy; Sometimes the answer can be found with just a click of the mouse. Cardio test in Edmonton are a great way to stay informed and inspired when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle. From nutrition and wellness to spiritual and mental health, these sites are packed with helpful resources to help you improve your well-being. Health and Wellness Blogs Worth A Visit To save you time, we've identified the 25 best health blogs the internet has to offer. Whether you're interested in staying in shape, trying new healthy recipes, clearing your mind — or all of these combined — this blog will help you create a healthier lifestyle for yourself. Bookmark this list to be useful when you need it most. fitness blog 1. A balanced life with Robin Long why

What can I do to improve my health, Doc?

 As a general practitioner, I treat patients throughout their lives, from birth to death. Apart from supporting patients with their health problems, I have always promoted the benefits of good nutrition and regular physical activity. A few weeks ago, motivated by  Blood Pressure Monitoring in Edmonton from a heart attack, one of my patients accepted my offer to improve his lifestyle. Being very active at a young age, he has many ideas on how to increase his physical activity. Where she wants help is on the diet side. I told him the following. I think many others may find these tips helpful. You can get a physical activity tracker  Edmonton South Medical Facilities   On the nutrition side - I often suggest that people track their diet on My Fitness Pal or other food journal app for a day or two to find out where your problem lies. Additionally, here are some fast food tips that I share with patients in my practice: Make sure you have fruit as part of your breakfast. Most people don'

Blood Pressure Monitoring in Edmonton | Alberta Cardiology

  Cardiologists in Edmonton Alberta to as the sunshine vitamin, vitamin D is produced in our skin when exposed to sunlight. We can also get vitamin D from food sources, often fortified foods, especially in its active form, vitamin D3. Many of us Internist in Edmonton Alberta may be deficient in vitamin D. How does vitamin D affect our health? VITAMIN D AND Immune Health People with low vitamin D levels are more prone to colds, including upper respiratory infections. An adequate amount of vitamin D enhances our body's natural ability to fight infection. VITAMIN D AND BONE HEALTH Vitamin D is essential for calcium absorption. Vitamin D deficiency can deplete bone calcium, making it brittle and increasing the risk of fractures. VITAMIN D AND MOOD Lower levels of vitamin D have been found to be more expressive of mood disorders, including premenstrual syndrome (PMS), seasonal affective disorder (SAD), unspecified mood disorder, and major depressive disorder (MDD). VITAMIN D AND FERTI

Medical Consultants in Edmonton Alberta | Alberta Cardiology

 Blood pressure is the force of blood against the walls of blood vessels as it circulates. Medical Consultants in Edmonton Alberta is usually expressed in two numbers. Systolic blood pressure is the highest number or higher and reflects the pressure in the arteries when the heart contracts. Diastolic blood pressure is the lowest or lowest number and reflects the pressure in the arteries when the heart relaxes between beats. Your blood pressure changes throughout the day. How do you know if you have high blood pressure? Let's look at how the Public Health Agency of Canada defines high blood pressure, or hypertension (HTN): Normal blood pressure - systolic blood pressure below 130 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure below 85 mmHg. Normal hypertension - systolic blood pressure 130-139 mmHg and/or diastolic blood pressure 85-89 mmHg. High blood pressure - systolic blood pressure at or above 140 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure at or above 90 mmHg. People with high blood pressure hav

Echo cardiogram in Edmonton Alberta | Alberta Cardiology

Medical Cardiologist in Edmonton to call a plumber because the pipe in the kitchen sink was abnormal. The plumber came and fixed the problem. He took out the gutter and cleaned the stopper. Although the image of the heart arteries as a kitchen pipe clogged with grease and fat is simple—and familiar—it's also FALSE! How to change this thinking, Cardiologists in edmonton Alberta are considered plumbers themselves? A patient came to see me recently. There was no heart attack, just a routine checkup and the cardiologist found a blockage. The cardiologist explains the problem to the patient. "Looks like we've hit a snag…I'll open this tube and you'll feel better, please sign here." After the cardiologist finished his work, the next thing he saw was his patient. "I cleared the blockage, put a snake in your artery and it's clear... done." Medical Consultants in Edmonton Alberta are not plumbers. They are doctors who go to school to learn about the a